SuperNetworking™ for Athletes: Transition to the Real World


The initial training session is two hours and can be broken up into two 1-hour sessions. It will be conducted either virtually or in-person by a certified SuperNetworking™ Academy Coach.  Every Athlete will receive a copy of SuperNetworking™ for Athletes: Real World Ready for Life book and the SuperNetworking™ for Athletes: Game Plan for Transitioning to the Real-World workbook-planner. The content is in PDF and acceptable any time on all mobile devices.

  • SuperNetworking™ Trainers-Coaches will present the materials to participants in a highly interactive format. There will be a case study used through the entire process. In addition, there will be some role play

  • Each Athlete will create their own game plan which includes an objective, strategy and accountability metrics that will be used as part of their ongoing coaching sessions

Ongoing Coaching:

Coaching will take place monthly for one hour. They will review with their coach how they are implementing their plan, discuss issues, challenges, concerns, strategies, opportunities, role play, scripting, etc.

  • Athletes have access to their coach 24/7 in between sessions for emergencies through out the engagement

  • SuperNetworking™ Academy guarantees a 24-hour response either through e-mail or phone